About Me

Hi yall my name is Ryan, I just recently had a baby girl named Blakelyn she was born February 17th, 2013 and I decided that I need to start a blog. Well truth be told I had a friend named Mandy refer me to a blog & then to a book called "Sparkly Green Earrings" (everyone should definitely read this book), so that led me here to start my journey into the blog world. My whole life is filled with so much fun and exciting adventures and now that I have a little one it's going to be really exciting. I'm 35 and here within the last 2 years I've really found the Lord, now I'm still a crazy kind of gal. I feel like a spirit inside me has changed as I've gotten older, I care more about people and I'm working really hard to try and be less selfish. Finding the Lord has made me want to be a better person for my child and a better wife to my husband. I've been married to Chad since May 2008 and I truly did find the love of my life. I honestly tell him all the time how grateful I am to have him as my husband. We have our fair share of arguments like any couple but we always seem to compromise. I have an awesome group of gals that are in my life! So you are definitely going to read about them. I really am just a simple girl who loves hanging out with my family and friends.

I also wanted to share my projects with you! I believe you can turn anything old into something special. I also enjoy making gifts for family & friends. A little paint can make anything pop! I hope you get some ideas!