Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Weekend 2013

Well my weekend started off with a bang. My sister talked me into running a 5K run in Fort Worth, needless to say I about died several times. I didn't train for it and it's my own fault. I told Courtney to go on with out me but the good sister she is stayed with me. One mile into the race I was breathing heavy and she said "your not breathing right, you need to get your breathing down". I'm sorry I'm an out of shape tella-tubby who just had a baby 3-1/2 months ago, so I decided to walk!

People keep saying I will lose this baby weight eventually, well to be honest I should have lost it by now. I've just been to lazy lately to do something about it. Well I've decided to finally get into shape because I'm tired of Courtney looking better than me! And that's my motivation! I just signed Courtney and I up to run a mud run this next weekend. So I am going to die again but I know it will be worth it!

Yesterday we had a bar-b-q at the house, we had a few friends over and it was good to sit & visit. Well I went to Walmart to get a few things before the bar-b-q started and while I was in line I was talking to the young girl, she was being trained by another cashier. Anyway I asked "do you always have to wear dark blue tops"? And they said "yes, and we have to wear khaki pants. If we want to wear jeans we have to pay $2 to wear them". I was like WHAT! That is crazy that you have to pay this bazillion dollar company to wear jeans. I don't know why this upset me so much but it did. Let's be honest jeans look way better on people than a pair of khaki pants. This has no relevance to my weekend but I thought I would share with you the torture of these Walmart employees, ok mabye not torture but that's just ludicrous to pay to wear jeans! just sayin

Blakelyn wasn't feeling to good yesterday, it's my own fault I switched up her formula. I think she was a little constipated. She is feeling much better today thank goodness. She is smiling so much and she has a couple little dipples that are so kissable!

Sunday I peeked outside and noticed Chad singing a country song to B, it just melted my heart because he is such a good dad and loves her so much. I know when she gets older she is going to be his little side kick. He is going to teach her so much and she most likely will have some sort of skill by the time she is 3 years old. I feel truly blessed that Chad is a good dad and I'm thankful for him everyday!

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